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Hundreds charts are fun and versatile teaching tools that you can use for the whole year. I’ve included 12 different designs for you, one for each month!
(*Disclaimer: Some links in this post are affiliate links. I may receive a small commission but this does not increase the price you pay. Thank you for supporting this blog!)
Hundreds Chart Setup
For this activity you will need:
Optional depending on how you want to use them: scissors, counting manipulatives, writing tools – crayon, pencil, etc
Optional: Laminator
Below are the supplies I use personally at home. After doing so many printable activities, I’ve found that it’s most helpful to always have these basic supplies on hand.
If you don’t have the materials needed, don’t sweat! You can get it delivered to your doorstep really quickly with Amazon Prime. You can get a 30-day free trial here.
Year-Round Math Fun
Hundreds charts can be used in so many ways. Here are a few quick ways to get started:
1. Learn to count to 100
2. Add a dice and roll until you reach 100
3. Cut up the chart like a puzzle and put it back together
4. Color in all numbers that are odd and even in different colors.
5. Practice skip counting.
6. Use them for an individual or class challenge – like reading 100 books in a month for example.
A quick Google or Pinterest search will show you many more inspiring ideas!
Pair Up This Numbers Activity
If you would prefer non-printable versions of hundreds charts, check out this hanging pocket chart style one.
There’s also the game-board style.
Finally, you could choose some wipe-clean boards instead.
Other Printable Math Centers and Worksheets
Construction Counting Mats – perfect in a community helpers unit
Raindrop Counting Frames – looking for something with a weather theme or for keeping little ones busy indoors on a rainy day? This is one of my most popular posts!
Zoo Number Puzzle Strips – these bright and colorful puzzles go up to 20
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