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This game is great for independent play time. It can take a preschooler a good few minutes to finish spinning, finding and coloring in all the shapes!

Spin the wheel to find out which shape to color in!
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Set it up

  • paper printer

  • crayons

  • spinner or a makeshift spinner with paperclip + pen

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Spin the wheel to find out which shape to color in!
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Start it up

Don’t worry about not having a ‘proper’ spinner. I don’t own one either. If you’re like me, the makeshift pen or pencil + paperclip works perfectly fine for this activity.

Hold the pen or pencil upright in the centre of the spinner with a paperclip held in place underneath the tip of it. The paperclip should be able to spin freely.

Spin to see which shape comes up. Find a bubble with the matching shape. Color it in using its assigned color. Repeat until all bubbles have been filled in.

Pair it up

I cannot even describe how much Mr. R loves his Duplo alligator. Duplo is always interesting but this alligator can actually open and close his mouth which is a big plus point!

It’s also particularly great to pair with this game because afterwards you could ask your child to bring his Lego Mr Alligator to make real bubbles in the bath – just like in the worksheet picture!

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Spin the wheel to find out which shape to color in!
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My Dinosaur Shape Roll and Graph activity would also be a great worksheet to pair activity this with. It also incorporates both the animals and shapes learning themes so it’s a great follow on game.

This Mr Alligator Shapes Bubble Hunt worksheet was particularly fun to make because Mr. R co-created it. He sat with me and told me which shapes he wanted to be included in the activity and pointed out one by one into which ‘bubbles’ he wanted specific shapes to be placed in. Then we printed it out and he marveled at his creation before actually playing the game.

I’m so glad that he not only enjoys doing these worksheets, now he’s learning the creative process too!



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