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This post has been co-written with Ben Wolfson, a full-time educator and assistant principal in the USA.
It can be almost impossible to keep your first-grade students under control as the month of December rolls around. Once the fun and festivities of Thanksgiving are done, little brains turn to snow, Santa, and presents and it can be hard keeping them engaged in their school work amid all the excitement. This fun Christmas printable activity hooks students in with its seasonal decorations and keeps them there with a simple yet effective early reading center to master Christmas CVC words.
The Importance of Reading CVC words
While it can seem that it takes forever in kindergarten to cover all the letters and the different vowel sounds, it’s always time well spent when it comes to mastering the first-grade skill of reading and writing CVC words. These are a great place to start young students on their reading journey as there are no exceptions as to how words are pronounced or how to know if a vowel has a short or long vowel sound. Using free CVC clip cards is a great way for students to build their comprehension of this reading strategy as they can be self-correcting for an independent station or used as a small group teaching tool.
Preparing Christmas CVC Words Read and Match
If you don’t have the materials needed, don’t sweat! You can get it delivered to your doorstep really quickly with Amazon Prime. You can get a 30-day free trial here.
Extending Reading With Christmas CVC words
The essence of this free CVC printable activity is that students look at each of the pictures and find a match from the three words listed by the side. With regular practice, your students will master these cards in just a short time, so use these extensions to help them with reading CVC words:
Give more options – the easiest way to extend this Christmas printable activity is to give the students more than 3 options to pick from. This can be done by printing extra copies of the Christmas CVC words and giving students two sets of possible answers to pick from. Have them read each word out loud so that you know that they’re not guessing.
Cut the cards – each of these free CVC clip cards has a picture and three possible options for students to choose from. Turn it into a speaking and listening activity by cutting each clip card in half. Give one student the picture part of a card and the other student the list of possible answers. The student with the picture reads their word out loud and their partner indicates which word they heard.
Play memory – to make a collaborative game out of this free CVC printable, cut up the pictures and one copy of each word. Spread them out in two piles and have students take it in turns to turn over one picture and one word (reading it out loud of course!) and try to find all the matches as quickly and accurately as possible.