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This post has been co-written with Ben Wolfson, a full-time educator and assistant principal in the USA.
Looking for math tray activities for preschoolers? These Asteroid Preschool Number Mats will help your students work on number recognition 1-10!
Your students will love being immersed in all things space, and you can use the theme to hook them into your academic centers. These Asteroid Preschool Number Mats are a great example!
There’s something fascinating about space for preschoolers, from talking about what they can see in the night sky to thinking about what aliens would think about Earth if they came to visit. Space makes for a great theme for your preschool classroom as it doesn’t tie into any particular time of year, so you can use it when you’ve got a few weeks in between holidays.
Teaching Number Recognition 1 – 10
The preschool classroom is sometimes overlooked as a nice bonus for some students to access, but done correctly it can be the foundation on which the entirety of a student’s learning career rests upon. This includes foundational skills like number recognition 1 – 10 which will kickstart your students’ math journey as well as help them master the link between sounds that they make and marks on paper. These asteroid themed preschool number mats provide many opportunities for students to practice learning their numbers, as well as helping you develop some fine motor math activities along the way.
Preparing Asteroid Find The Number 1-10
For this activity you will need:
Tokens to cover the number – space themed mini erasers, ‘asteroid’ pebbles, ‘moon rocks’ made from foil, etc
Optional: laminator
If you don’t have the materials needed, don’t sweat! You can get it delivered to your doorstep really quickly with Amazon Prime. You can get a 30-day free trial here.
These space themed preschool number mats can be prepared instantly – just download and print in color or black and white. If you’re planning on using them as fine motor math activities you should keep them as full page worksheets so that the numbers stay big and the circles are large enough for developing fingers to manipulate.
Teaching With Preschool Number Mats
These space themed math tray activities for preschoolers are ready to use straight off the printer. Your students simply need to study the chosen number on the inside of the asteroid, and then find the number in the surrounding circles. To vary this task, try some of these activities:
Get hands on – to turn these sheets into fine motor math activities, give your students a variety of small objects to cover up the matching numbers. These could be beads, counters or even a block of playdough that they have to break up into small chunks. Anything that forces students to practice their pincer grip and develop their hand and finger muscles will be beneficial in the long run.
Find a certain amount – instead of having students cover up or mark all instances of the chosen number, you can challenge them to find the number a set number of times (e.g. “find 4 circles that have the number in them”). This encourages students to keep count and also keeps the task shorter for students with short attention spans.
Get writing – part of number recognition 1 – 10 is being able to read and recognize the numbers on the page, but your students will want to progress to writing the numbers themselves. After they have played find the number, you can tap into one of any math tray activities for preschoolers that have them practice writing the numbers, from tracing with shaving cream to creating the number from playdough.