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This post has been co-written with Ben Wolfson, a full-time educator and assistant principal in the USA.
You’ll be amazed at how many of your kindergarten students know about the importance of bees in your garden, and how many of them are big honey fans! Like with any group wide fascination and interest, you can get more engagement for your literacy and math centers by creating themes for your classroom based on what your students are into. This cute spring math center for kindergarten will get your students to solve addition problems while also giving you the chance to talk about pollinators, the life cycle of a plant, and the importance of bees to just about everything they eat!
Why Practice Addition Facts?
Once your students have mastered their skills of being able to say the number words in order (starting at non zero numbers), and being able to accurately count a group of objects (also known as one to one correspondence), your next task is to introduce them to addition and to complete simple equations.
While many students will start off needing tools like a number line or physical manipulatives to demonstrate what happens when we add, you also need to help them build math fact fluency to help them solve addition problems in the future.
This fun bumblebee addition game gives them plenty of opportunities to practice addition facts using single digits so they become core math knowledge for students to use in later grades as they tackle the standard algorithms for math and multiplication.
Spring Math Center for Kindergarten
If you don’t have the materials needed, don’t sweat! You can get it delivered to your doorstep really quickly with Amazon Prime. You can get a 30-day free trial here.
Extension Activities to Practice Addition Facts
It’s likely that your students will master this spring math center for kindergarten quickly. They need to take each of the honeycombs and match it to the flower that shows the other side of the equation. To beef up this bumblebee addition game, try some of these activities:
Find all the answers – you can push your students to higher level math understanding by having them start with the flowers and find all the possible combinations of whole number addition facts that result in that answer. They’ll find that some answers aren’t shown on the honeycomb cards, but you can make your own to help them solve addition problems independently.
Add a time challenge – kindergarteners always love a timed challenge (think about how they respond when you ask them to pick up the classroom in under a minute!). You can bring a timed component to this spring math center for kindergarten by seeing how quickly each student can match all the honeycombs to the right flower. Keep a record for each student so they can see their own progress as they practice addition facts.
Set up a scoot – finally, you’ll always get better engagement when you can add movement to your learning centers. In this case, you need to print out and cut out the flowers and post them around the room. Students then take a stack of honeycomb cards and “buzz” around the room, writing down the correct answers on the back of the bumblebee addition game. You’ll get to see which facts students are most confident with, and which ones you want them to practice further to build automaticity.