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This post has been co-written with Ben Wolfson, a full-time educator and assistant principal in the USA.
These playdough mats will capture the imagination and pumpkin carving desires of your students and provide you with many opportunities for pumpkin fine motor activities for preschoolers. There’s nothing like Halloween in the preschool classroom. The whole month of October can be given over to the holiday, with spooky stories, candy counting, and pumpkin playdough fun to be had.
The Importance of Fine Motor Skills
These playdough prompts will help develop your students’ fine motor skills, which is their ability to manipulate objects with their hands and fingers. Playdough is the ideal tool for teaching fine motor skills as it’s a forgiving material that allows for errors and reshaping without having to worry about it drying out or staining. Fine motor skills underpin handwriting skills, and using these pumpkin printable playdough mats will help to build muscles and dexterity in your students as they get ready for writing.
Preparing the Jack O’Lantern Playdough Mats
If you don’t have the materials needed, don’t sweat! You can get it delivered to your doorstep really quickly with Amazon Prime. You can get a 30-day free trial here.
While the playdough mats come with 4 faces per page, you will probably find that you want to enlarge them as you print to either 2 or even a single face per page at the start of the year. This will allow your students to get to grips with the playdough and create the sharp teeth and connected eyeballs and build the playdough directly on top of the images. You’ll then want a laminated class set of the large pumpkin pages for the Halloween fine motor activity extensions listed below.
Setting Up A Halloween Fine Motor Activity Station
These Jack o’lantern playdough mats can be used as tools for students to create spooky Halloween faces. Simply give them a block of colored playdough (orange preferably!) and have them recreate the face underneath. To challenge them, try some of these pumpkin fine motor activities for preschoolers
Guess the face – have students work with a partner. The first student picks a pumpkin printable from the pile and does their best to create the face with playdough. Their partner then has to guess which of the faces they tried to make. You could extend this further by having one of the partners pick a playdough prompt and then having to describe it for their partner to create.
Teach feelings faces – challenge your students to make pumpkin faces that resemble a feelings face. You could either call out an emotion and ask students to arrange their playdough to represent that feeling or read a story and pause to ask students to create how they think the main character is feeling.
Last man standing – finally, you could have each student make a different face as best they can. You then secretly choose a card at random, and give small clues as to which one you’ve chosen, such as “my pumpkin has no teeth”. When a student realizes their pumpkin isn’t the chosen one, they sit down until one person’s pumpkin is left. Students can then learn to organize and play this game as an independent station.