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This post has been co-written with Ben Wolfson, a full-time educator and assistant principal in the USA.
Spring is a magical time in the kindergarten classroom. The weather warms up so you can do more outdoor learning with your students, and the plants and flowers start to grow quickly making for excellent impromptu science lessons. It therefore makes sense to take spring as a theme for your academic centres, and these spring garden theme kindergarten counting worksheets will give your students plenty of counting practice.
Learning One To One Correspondence With Counting Worksheets 1 to 10
Being able to accurately count a series of objects is a big kindergarten milestone. Many students come in being able to rattle off the numbers 1 through 10, but it’s the job of kindergarten teachers to help students realize that each of these special counting words has a meaning. Students have to learn to slow down their counting and say one number as they touch one object, which makes this number match worksheet an excellent activity for students to be able to practice their one to one correspondence skills.
Preparing These Spring Garden Counting Worksheets 1-10
If you don’t have the materials needed, don’t sweat! You can get it delivered to your doorstep really quickly with Amazon Prime. You can get a 30-day free trial here.
Getting these spring garden theme counting worksheets 1 to 10 ready couldn’t be easier. They are already formatted for letter size paper, so you’ll just need to print a class set to be ready. Fire up the laminator if you want to reuse the cards for future one to one correspondence counting practice.
Extension Activities for Number Match Worksheets
The best thing about this spring garden theme kindergarten counting worksheet is that it is ready to go straight off the printer. Students will practice their fine motor skills as they cut out the numbers and stick them down next to the correct image. To help extend this spring math center, try some of these activities:
Make it 3D – this activity will require a little preparation as you’ll need a selection of the objects from the cards; asking parents for donations of old gardening gloves and small toys is an easy way to get what you need as well as making for an excellent spring garden theme role play area. Once you’ve got the objects, have students make the correct piles as shown on the matching worksheets.
Order the cards – once students have successfully matched the number to the correct image (and colored it in, of course!), you can have them cut out each completed card and then put them in order. You could also have students play a game of Snap or Memory together by mixing their two sets together. In these cases, it may be worth laminating and cutting the cards out overnight so that students get plenty of replay value from the set.
Number formation practice – to give your students some extra practice time with their number formation, laminate the entire page (including the digits down the right hand side) and have students use dry erase markers to write the correct number in each box. Consider having students use 5 different colors so that they have to put down the pen in between each number to give their hand and brain a chance to reset.