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This number printable can be used anytime of the year! Prep it for a St Patrick’s Day or nature-inspired unit in spring, a color-themed week in summer, to study the weather in fall or for learning to count in winter!
Other Printable Counting Centers and Worksheets
15 Sets of Spring and Summer Counting Clipcards – math and fine motor combined, just like in this activity.
Raindrop Counting Frames – works on similar skills and pairs well for a weather-themed week.
Bugs Graphing – get out into nature and explore while learning about graphs.
Rainbow Dot Number Mats Setup
For this activity you will need:
Small objects to use to form the numbers or fill in the ten frames – pompoms, buttons, cereals
Dot markers or dot stickers
Optional: laminator
If you don’t have the materials needed, don’t sweat! You can get it delivered to your doorstep really quickly with Amazon Prime. You can get a 30-day free trial here.
Playing This Fun Counting Game
Print out the mats you wish to use. I suggest laminating them for durability.
Place some small items in a bowl that your child can use to fill in the circles – pompoms, cereals, buttons etc would all make good items. Alternatively, you could use a dot/bingo marker.
In this printable, your child will learn about ten frames and one to one correspondence while strengthening their fine motor skills.
When my son did this, he used cereals which he ate afterwards of course 🙂
If you used cereals, you could then move on to another fine motor activity like using them for threading or making cereal towers with spaghetti noodles and playdough. Enjoy!
Educational Tools For Your Classroom:
Browse My Most Popular Math Printables:
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2) Scarecrow Arrange By Size – 3 different scarecrow-themed image sets that they will arrange from smallest to biggest.
3) Bumblebee Addition Game – Solve the sum and help the bee land on the correct flower!
4) Farm Shapes Mats – Use playdough, pompoms, stickers etc to learn 2D shapes.
5) Popsicle Stick Number Formation – Kids will love forming the numbers 1 to 10 when ice cream and popsicles are involved!
6) Valentines Printable Worksheets Pack – 50 pages of mixed literacy and math activities.
7) Zoo Animals Number Puzzle Strips – Complete these cute puzzles and learn the numbers 1 to 20.
8) Counting Colorful Bugs – This printable book will help kids count to 10 while also learning about color words.
9) Humpty Dumpty Numbers – In this printable game, your students will practice number recognition using 1 dice or simple addition when using 2 dice.
10) Build A Number Santa – Match the number to the correct number word, tally mark and domino to form a Santa Claus
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