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This post has been co-written with Ben Wolfson, a full-time educator and assistant principal in the USA. 

There’s always a time for trucks and construction vehicles in your kindergarten classroom. There’s something about the size and noises that they make as well as their utility in the sandbox for creating unique creations. If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time!

If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
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What Are CVC Words?

Early literacy work in the kindergarten classroom is all about helping students to learn their letters (both the names and sounds that they make) and then blending sounds to make up words. CVC words are three letter words that follow a consonant vowel consonant pattern. This makes them ideal for beginner readers as there are no exceptions to the sounds that each letter makes, and it’s a great introduction to the short sound that each vowel makes.

Preparing CVC Spelling Game

For this activity you will need:



Wooden pegs or clothespins

Optional: laminator 

If you don’t have the materials needed, don’t sweat! You can get it delivered to your doorstep really quickly with Amazon Prime. You can get a 30-day free trial here.

These construction themed kindergarten phonics activities are easy to use; simply download and hit print! The full color pages will make them visually appealing to your students, so you may want to make a couple of sets so that multiple students can play the game at the same time. It’s also a good idea to laminate them so that students can use markers to show you their answers, creating the perfect independent literacy task for them to complete before earning their truck time.

Teaching CVC Spelling With Clip Cards

These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written. To introduce this CVC spelling game to your students, follow these kindergarten phonics activities:

  • Introduce the pictures – sometimes, there can be confusion about what a picture actually shows. While a person with a shovel can represent the CVC word “dig”, students who don’t get introduced to the concept may decide it’s “spade” or “gardening” and get confused by the activity. It’s therefore essential to go through each picture with the students so that they know the words that they’re looking for. 

  • Listen to each sound – the choices in these CVC spelling clip cards are carefully chosen that students can’t just look for the correct starting sound. Some require them to think about the ending sound, while others test their knowledge of the middle vowel. As students get to work, challenge them to say each sound out loud first before blending sounds. Not only will this help them get the correct answer, but it will also help them as you move beyond CVC words. 

  • Spell without the words – while these worksheets give students a limited number of options, your overall goal will be for students to write and read these words independently. As students begin to master matching the CVC words with pictures, challenge them to spell the words out loud and then write them down for you to check. The predictable nature of CVC spelling means that they should experience a lot of immediate success.

If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
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This game is also available as digital Boom Cards which can be used with Seesaw, Google Classroom and other distance learning platforms. Grab these Internet task cards here.

Get More CVC Spelling Practice

Use this cvc spelling printable any time of the year that you’re working on CVC or rhyming word families with your students!

You can use these as teaching flashcards, for a pocket chart or word wall display, as 2-piece puzzles for an individual or small group literacy center, etc.

Students will need to match the onset to the rime correctly. Each vowel is in a different color for added support. 136 CVC words included in total!

Fun Books About Construction Vehicles:

If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
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If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
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If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
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If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
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If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
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If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
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Other Printables That Work On Learning CVCs:

1) Rhyme Time with Penguin CVC Clip Cards Any winter literacy station that has penguins will be instantly engaging to the majority of your students. These kindergarten penguin theme CVC rhyming printable will have them practicing their short vowel and consonant sounds all season long.

2) Christmas CVC Read and MatchThis fun Christmas printable activity can be used as a simple yet effective early reading center. In this free CVC printable game students look at each of the pictures and find a match from the three words listed by the side. This Christmas CVC words literacy center comes ready to print and play!

3) Space CVC Vowel SortingKids will love this simple space-themed vowel sorting activity. Which planet does the object belong on? Sound it out loud for some out of this world fun!

Cool Construction Toys For Your Classroom:

11 inch John Deere Construction - Wheel Loader -  - Fat Brain Toys
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If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
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Bosch Construction Set - Imaginative Play for Ages 3 to 8 - Fat Brain Toys
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If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
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Kinetic Sand? - 2.2 lbs.
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If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
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Browse My Most Popular Literacy Activites:

1) Valentines Alphabet Clip StripsKids will choose among 5 different letters on the strip to identify the matching ones.

2) Alphabet Beginning Sound Coloring PagesWatch your child become more familiar with each letter of the alphabet as they practice coloring in the objects with that beginning sound.

3) Tommy Turkey’s Alphabet PieThis turkey-themed letter recognition activity is so simple to prep and makes a great file folder game!

4) Pirate Alphabet Playdough MatsJust print out the playing mats and ask your child to form the letters out using the playdough provided.

5) Farm Alphabet Find and Cover Letters – Work on letter recognition any time of the year!

6) Werewolf Spin and Cover – Kids will race to find all the letters on their mat this Halloween.

7) Bunny Burrows Game – Fun game for small groups or circle time where students will catch a bunny and say out the sound.

8) Letter-saurus Fossil Digging – Dinosaur lovers will enjoy being a pretend paleontologist and finding all the letters.

9) Alphabet Handwriting Worksheets – Practice lowercase and capital letters with these print-and-go pages.

10) Rainy Day Alphabet – 1 printable, many ways to use.

If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
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Kool Kids Games
If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
11 inch John Deere Construction - Wheel Loader -  - Fat Brain Toys
If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
Bosch Construction Set - Imaginative Play for Ages 3 to 8 - Fat Brain Toys
If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
Kinetic Sand? - 2.2 lbs.
If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
If you can integrate construction vehicles into your kindergarten phonics activities, you’ll find a greater level of engagement with your students, and this simple construction CVC spelling game will have your students building their word power in no time! These fun clip cards have CVC words with pictures to help students master the link between commonly known words and how they are written, as well as practice blending sounds.
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